双语 你好!中国


Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Moon Festival, is a traditional Chinese folk holiday. Its origin lies in celestial worship and has evolved from ancient times' Autumn Eve moon-worshiping customs.


Throughout history, Mid-Autumn Festival has included traditions such as moon worship, appreciating the moon, eating mooncakes, admiring lanterns, enjoying osmanthus flowers, and drinking osmanthus wine. These customs have been passed down to the present day. The roundness of the full moon during Mid-Autumn Festival symbolizes familial unity and represents the sentiments of longing for one's homeland and loved ones.


Mooncakes, with their round shape resembling the full moon, have become a symbol of unity. As a seasonal delicacy, mooncakes come in a variety of flavors and styles, making them an excellent choice for festive gift-giving.

责编 :易卓

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