人民生命健康的守护者 关爱 人民领袖




























中文:芝加哥的公民们,大家好!如果现在仍然有人怀疑在美国是不是真的任何事情都可能发生,怀疑我们开国之父们的梦想是否还留存在这片土地上,怀疑美国民主的力量,今夜,就是你的答案。 在这个国家的学校和教堂中人们曾焦急地等待着答案,一些人甚至从未像今天一样——等待了3~4个小时,但是他们知道这一时刻非同一般,他们的声音也同样非同一般。 在美国的土地上,无论是年轻人还是老人;穷人还是富人;无论是共和党人还是民主党人;无论是黑人、白人、西班牙裔、亚裔、美国原住民、同性恋、异性恋、残疾人还是非残疾人都发出同一种信息,我并非孤身一人。 我们是,而且永远都是美利坚合众国!这一天我们等得太久了,但是今晚,因为我们在这场竞选中、在这个地点、在此时此刻所做的一切,改变已经降临美国。 在今天晚上,我很荣幸地接到了麦凯恩参议员打来的电话。 麦凯恩参议员在这场竞选中进行了长久、艰难的努力。 而且,为这个他热爱的国家,他奋斗了更久、付出了更多的努力。 他为美国做出了超乎我们大多数人想象的牺牲,因为这个无畏无私的领导人所付出的努力,我们才有了更好的生活。 我对他表示祝贺,也对佩林州长所取得的成果表示祝贺。 同时,我也期待着能在接下来的几个月内,和他们共同努力履行对这个国家的诺言。 我想感谢我在这个旅程中的搭档,一个全心全意参加竞选的男人,一个为同他一起在斯克蓝顿(宾夕法尼亚东北部城市)街道长大、一起坐火车到特拉华州的人们发言的男人,美国未来的副总统,乔·拜登。 在过去的16年里如果没有朋友们的支持和鼓励,那么我今晚将不会站在这里……我的家庭的支持、关爱,美国的下一位第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马,还有萨沙和玛丽雅,我对你们的爱甚至超出你们的想象,你们将得到新的爸爸,和你们一起到新的白宫。 我却再也不能陪伴我的外祖母了,但我知道她一直在守望着我们。 我也十分想念我的家人和亲戚,我知道自己亏欠他们太多,太多。 我要感谢马娅,阿尔玛,以及我所有的兄弟姐妹,感谢你们对我无私的支持,对此我深表感激。 还有,感谢我的竞选经理大卫·普劳夫。 还有那些在竞选活动中的无名英雄们,他们表现的很棒,是他们给美国带来了一场最完美的大选,我想,这在美国历史上是绝无仅有的。 还有我的首席战略师大卫·阿克塞尔罗德。 他是我的伙伴,在我竞选的每个阶段都给我极大的帮助,为我打造了美国大选史上最棒的竞选团队。 是你让这一切发生了,我将永远对你为这一切做出的牺牲心存感激。 但是最重要的,我将永远无法忘记这场胜利真正的主人,这属于你们,这属于你们。 我曾经是最不可能赢得白宫的候选人。 在刚开始的时候,我们没有多少钱,也没有多少支持者,我们的竞选不是从华盛顿的大厅开始的,而是开始于艾奥瓦州得梅因的后院、康科德的客厅、查尔斯顿的前厅。 是辛勤劳作的男人、女人捐给了我们他们微薄的积蓄,5块钱、10块钱、20块钱。 我们从年轻人那里得到了力量,他们拒绝服从同龄人冷漠的神话。 为了工作,他们离开了自己的家乡,并与亲人分别,可是他们拿很少的报酬,甚至连睡觉的时间也少的可怜。 那些并不年轻的志愿者却拥有一颗火热的心,为了大选他们在寒风中敲开善良的陌生人家的门,这就是为什么两个世纪以来,我们人类,我们的政府没有从地球上消亡的原因。 我想说,这同样也是你们的胜利!我知道,你们不仅仅是为了赢得一个大选,也不仅仅是为了我。 你们这样做,是因为知道我们面前任务的艰难。 即使我们今晚在这里欢庆,我们仍然知道明天将会带来我们平生最大的挑战——两场战争,一个处于危险边缘的星球、一个世纪来最严重的金融危机。 在孩子们熟睡后依然醒着的父亲母亲在担心,他们怎样才能还清医生的账单,攒够足够的钱供孩子的大学教育。 新的能源要去开发,新的工作岗位要去创造,新的学校要去建造,新的威胁要去面对,新的盟友关系要去修复。 前面的路会很长。 我们的攀岩会很陡峭。 我们甚至不会在一年、一个任期内达到这个目标。 但是,美国,我从未比今夜更加相信,我们会达到这个目标。 我承诺,作为一个人,我们会达到这个目标。 以后我们还会面对挫折和谎言,我成为总统以后,也许有人无法认同我的每一项政策和方针。 并且我们也知道政府并非能解决一切问题。 但是我会忠诚地和你们并肩奋斗,共同面对挑战。 我依然会倾听你们的声音,尤其是我们之间存在分歧的时候。 最重要的是,我会真诚地邀请你参与国家的重建,就像美国建国221年以来的历史那样——靠我们的双手把国家建设地更为强大。 我们从21个月以前的冬天开始了奋斗的征程,但是我们的努力不会在这个秋天的夜晚结束。 这次胜利并不会改变我们的探索之路,这对于我们来说是一个难得的机遇,我们决不能后退。 我们不会退缩,因为我们拥有旺盛的精力和无畏牺牲的精神。 让我们重振爱国主义精神,承担起自己的责任,我们将努力奋斗,互帮互助。 让我们牢记金融危机给美国带来的伤痛,我们再也不会让华尔街繁荣的同时,让别的街受罪。 在这个国家里,我们与祖国的命运紧密相连。 让我们自觉抵制党派争端和过于污秽的政治斗争。 让我们牢记在这条街道上高举共和党旗帜入主白宫的那个人(林肯),是他宣扬了独立和自主的精神,完成了国家的统一。 这些价值观应该得到继承和发扬,今晚民主党取得了胜利,我们必须保持谦虚的心态,并下定决心完成后面的征程。 就像很久以前,林肯对一个比现在分裂得更严重的民族所说的那样,我们不是敌人,是朋友。 虽然热情已经被冲淡,我们的友爱纽带没有破裂。 同时,对于我没有赢得支持的民众,我或许没有得到你们的投票,但是我听到了你们的声音。 我需要你们的帮助。 我也会是你们的总统。 对于那些在另外一个海岸,从国会到王宫、到在被世界遗忘的角落摆弄收音机、关注美国今夜的人们,我们的故事并非只有一个,但是目标是共同的,美国领导力的新的黎明已经到来。 美国应该变化,我们的社会应该更完美。 我们已经取得的成果给了我们明天取得更大成果的希望。 这次大选有很多首创和许多故事,这些故事将代代相传。 但今天晚上我脑子里能想起来的就是一个女人,她刚刚在亚特兰大城投了票。 她跟成千上万在这次大选中排队发出自己声音的人一样,唯有一点例外:安·尼克松·库珀已经106岁高龄了。 她出生在奴隶制刚刚废除后的那一代,那时路上没有汽车,天上没有飞机。 像她那样的人仍不能投票,这因为两个方面的原因:一是她是女性;二是因为她的肤色。 可今晚,我想她看透了一个世纪的美国——头疼与希望;挣扎与发展。 有人告诉我们,美国不行了,可美国人的自信却回答:不,我们行!她曾经生活在女性发不出声音、希望破灭的时代,可她却活着看到女性们站起来,发出自己的声音,并且投下自己的票。 是的,我们行! 当饥饿来到,衰退发生时,她看到了这个国家是如何以新政,新工作,和全新的共同目标来战胜恐惧的。 当炸弹落到我们的港口,独裁者威胁世界的时候,她亲眼见证了一代人的崛起和民主得以挽救。 是的,我们行!她去蒙哥马利搭乘公共汽车,她去伯明翰面对水龙头,她去塞尔玛占桥……她听来自亚特兰大的牧师告诉大家:“我们能打破种族障碍”,没错,我们行!今年,在这次大选中,她投下了自己的一票。 因为在美国生活了106个年头,经历了最好的时光与最难的岁月,所以她知道美国一定能改变。 是的,我们行!美国已经经历了太多,我们看够了太多,但我们还得做更多的事。 今晚,让我们问自己:如果我们的孩子们要活着看到新世纪,如果我们的女儿们能像安·尼克松这样活到106岁,我们应该有哪些进步?我们应该回答这个问题,这是我们的时代。 现在是我们一起开始工作,为我们的孩子打开机遇之门,恢复我们的繁荣,促进和平,重回美国梦,恢复基本信任,以及其它许多事的时候了。 我们应该团结如一人。 我们应该坚定地回应那些说我们不行的人,我们将以无穷的力量来回应他们,然后说:是的,我们行!感谢大家,上帝保佑你们,上帝保佑美利坚!原文:The citizens of Chicago, all good! If now, still having person doubt in America do not be any real matter may occur , doubt us to found Zhi the dream of fathers whether still preserve in this slice of land on, the strength of doubt American democracy is your answer , in night. In church and the school of this country, people wait answer anxiously, some persons even never like today as — — have waited 3 ~ 4 hours, but this time that they know is not same and general, their sound also same not with general. On the land of America no matter young person or old person; Poor has person still; No matter republican or democrat; No matter Black, white and Spain Yi , inferior Yi , America live the people, homosexual and opposite sex love , handicapped person still not handicapped person send a kind of same information , me is not Gu a person. We are , and are United States of America forever! In this day, we are too for a long time however tonight etc. because of us, is in this election , in this place , in the everything that done right now at this moment, it is American that change have arrived. In this evening me have received wheat very honouredly Kai the telephone that kindness senator hits. Wheat Kai kindness senator in this election in have carried out long, difficult effort. , for this country that he loves him have fought more for a long time , have paid out more effort. Him is America have made to exceed Hu the sacrifice of our most person imaginations, because the effort that this fearless unselfish leader pays out , we just have got better life. I express congratulation for him , also express congratulation for wearing the accomplishment gotten by forest state length. At the same time me also expect can in receive come down some months , with their joint efforts the promise of performing for this country. I want to appreciate my partner in this route , am a to attend the man of election wholeheartedly , am a to grow up together with him in this g blue ( Pennsylvania northeast city) street take train together go to the people who pull China state specially the man that speaks , Qiao ·Bai and associate president of America that does not come mount. In past 16 years if have no encouragement and support of friends, I will not stand tonight, is here … … barrier and the support of my family love, a frist lady Ao Ba of America horse, still have Sa sand and Mary elegant, my love for you even oversteps your imagination, you will get new papa, and you go to new the White House together. I can not also accompany my grandmother again , but me know her always in keep watch us. I also very much miss my folk and relative, me know self have a deficit them too much, too much. Me will appreciate horse Ya, A Er Ma as well as my all brothers sisters appreciate your unselfish support for me, for this, I am to be grateful. Still have , appreciate my election manager David · general Lao Fu. In addition those unknown heroes in electioneering are very strong as they show , is a and most perfect for them to have brought to America general election, I think that this is unique on American history. Still have my chief strategic teacher David · A Ke squeeze in Er Luo virtue. He is my partner , is that I hit to make in every stage that I run for to my maximum help the most strong election group team on the American history of general election. It is that you let all these have occured , the sacrifice heart that I will make forever as you are all these store thanks. But most important me will can not forget this winning genuine host forever, this belongs to you, this belongs to you. I have been the candidate who is most impossible to win the White House. When just begining , we have no how many money , do not also support somewhat, our election begins from the hall of Washington, and begin in Ai Ao tile state get plum because of backyard and the drawing room of Kang Ke De , check Er the antechamber of sthen. Is industrious Lao the woman and man that makes have donated to us their meager savings, 5 yuan, 10 yuan and 20 yuan. We have gotten strength from young person, they refuse to obey the cold mythology with age person. To work , they have left own hometown , part with kinsfolk, but they take very few pay, the time of even even sleeping is also few and pitiful. It is those and not young volunteer possesses a fervent heart , for general election, they knock open the door of honest strange household in cold wind, this for is why two centuries since, our mankind and our government have no reason of dying out from the earth. I want to say that this is also your victory also! I know that you are not only to win a general election, is also not only for me. Your this, is because of know us in front of task difficult. Even if we celebrate tonight here, us still know tomorrow will bring our all the life biggest challenge — — two wars, one is in the celestial body of dangerous edge , a century come the most serious financial crisis. After children sleep soundly the father that wakes up still mother in worry , them how talent pay off the bill of the doctor, accumulate really enough money to let that the university of child educates. New energy will go to develop, new working post will go to create, new school will go to build, it is new to threaten to want to face , new ally relation will go to restore. Preceding road can grow very much. Us climb rock can very steep. We will not even reach this goal in one year and a term. But it is American , I never believe more than this night that we can reach this goal. I promise that as a person, we can reach this goal. Afterwards, we still meet , is for setback with lie, after I become president, perhaps, somebody can not identify my each policy and policy. And it can solve all problem if we also know government to be not. But I can fight with you loyally side by side , face challenge together. I can listen your sound still, especially when having bifurcation between us. What is most important is that I can invite you to participate in the reconstruction of country sincerely, as if America build the country history since 221 years — — lean our both hands national construction land more powerful. We have begun the journey of fight from the winter before 21 months, but our effort will not finish in the night of this fall. This time, victory will not change our road that explored , this for us is a rare good fortune, we retreat nevermore. We will not flinch , because we possess the spirit of vigorous energy and fearless sacrifice. Let us heavy shake patriotism spirit, undertake own responsibility, we will fight with great efforts , help mutual to help each other. Let us remember the wound pain that financial crisis brings to America, we will not also let Wall Street prosperous again, at the same time let other street have a hard time. In this country us and motherland fate close is linked. Let us conscious resist the too filthy political struggle and dispute of party grouping. Let us remember in this street on hold high republican banner that person who enters main the White House ( forest is willing ), is that he has advocated independent and autonomous spirit , have completed the unification of country. These viewpoint of values should get to inherit and develop , are tonight democratic to have gotten victory, we must maintain modest phychology , and determine to complete the journey of back surely. As if very for a long time before, forest is willing for one than now split more serious nation claim , we do not be enemy , are friend. Though, enthusiasm has been diluted , our friendly link does not break. At the same time, for me, do not win the masses of support, I do not get your ballot perhaps, but I have heard your sound. I need your help. I will be also President you. For those in additionally a coast, from Congress, go to palace , arrive in the corner that forgotten by world fiddle with radio and solicitude the American people of this night, it has only a that our story is not , but goal is common, the new dawn of American leading force has come. America should change , our society should be more perfect. The accomplishment that we have gotten has given us the hope concerning getting larger accomplishment tomorrow. It is initiated that this time, general election has a lot with a lot of stories these stories will acting generation according to legend. But this evening in my the brain, what can recall is a woman , she has just thrown ticket in Atlanta city. Her follow thousands upon thousands in this general election in queue up to send the person of self sound as, there is some exception only: Install · nun g pine · storehouse Po have gone through the longevity of 106 years old. Her birth in slave system a generation that just abolishes rear that , then on the road, have no automobile , have no airplane on day. The person like her can not still vote , this because of the reason of two aspects: One is that she is female; 2 is because of her skin colour. But tonight, me miss her the America that has seen through a century — — headache and hope; Struggle with development. Somebody tells us that America does not be all right , but the self-counfidence of American reply: Not, we are all right! Her have lived in female hair do not make sound , the times of hoping to vanish , but her live to see females stand , send own sound , and throw own ticket. Yes, we are all right! When hungry coming declines to occur her have seen this country is how to with new Zheng, work recently, with brand-new common goal come to defeat fear. When bomb falls , our port, the time that dictator threatens world , her personally witness a acting person rise abruptly with democracy have saved. Yes, we are all right! She travels by bus by the horse advantage of elder brother, her go uncle tomorrow Han face tap, her go to squeeze in Er Ma take bridge … … her hear the clergyman from Atlanta tell all: us can break racial obstacle sink , is wrong , we are all right! In this year, in this general election, she has thrown own a ticket. Because in America have lived 106 times, have gone through the best time with be most difficult years, so, she knows that America can change surely. Yes, we are all right! America has been all previous too much, it is too much that we see , but we have to still do more matter. Tonight, let us ask self: If our children will live to see new century, if our daughters g such loose work is for 106 years old, us should have which advance? We should reply this problem, this is our times. Is now that we begin work together , resume our prosperity for our child opens the door of good fortune , promote the time that returns American dream peacefully again and resumes basic confidence as well as other a lot of matters. We should unite consistent person. Us should return firmly should those say us the person that does not be all right , us will with infinite strength round trip should them, say then: Yes, we are all right! Appreciate all, God blesses you, God blesses United States of America!





3、劳苦功高不声不响,坚守岗位不舍昼夜。 尽忠职守不慌不忙,爱心奉献不假言辞。 白衣天使不辱使命,解危救难不时之需。 医生节到了,祝你节日快乐。

4、每一位医生都是历经磨炼的战士,从校园到医院,每次蜕变都历经重重考验。 每一位医生都是充满爱心的天使,始终悉心呵护着患者的生命。 在国际医师节来临之际,祝愿所有的医生朋友,节日快乐!





9、你是人间美丽的天使,有一双灵动又温暖的翅膀,张开左翅,饱含爱心与责任,伸出右翼,充满温柔与关怀。 就是这双爱的翅膀,伴患者飞翔在通往健康的路途。 医生节到了,愿美丽的白衣天使们幸福安康。









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牢记共同使命 赓续传统友谊 独家视频丨习近平 中越两党要秉持
不了解又怎么样 兴趣是慢慢培养的 方成