最全的竞彩攻略来了 足彩欧洲主流联赛周末开战

足彩欧洲主流联赛周末开战 最全的竞彩攻略来了




2024年8月13日, 竞彩 比赛火热进行中,本周末开始,新赛季欧洲五大联赛将开战,接下来的 竞彩 比赛怎么买?看看网易红彩专家怎么说。网易红彩的外籍专家迎来爆发, 外籍专家 外籍专家 Likais 命中英冠卢顿1-4伯恩利,近10场命中9场 ,不仅如此他们还命中多场比赛的半全场及比分、总进球数等玩法,状态十分火热,跟投的 彩民 赢球不断。

2024-25西甲新赛季于8月16日凌晨揭幕 ,对于彩民来说,最关注的应该是: 各支球队都有了哪些变化?哪支球队更有投注价值? 红彩邀请西班牙专家Borja给大家带来西甲前瞻, Borja是西甲发文600场以上的专家中盈利率最高










虽然 巴塞罗那 拥有西班牙最好的球员之一亚马尔,并且签下了像奥尔莫这样的好球员,但他们仍然有一些地方值得关注,比如前锋和防守。巴萨仍处于过渡时期,需要几年时间才能重返巅峰,尤其是考虑到他们目前的财政危机。这也是弗里克的第一个赛季,虽然他应该比哈维做得更好,但球队 需要时间 来适应新的战术并建立化学反应。



争夺第四名的比赛将会非常有趣。 赫罗纳 可能会在欧洲比赛的要求下挣扎,特别是因为他们已经失去了一半的首发球员,包括联赛最佳射手多夫比克,而替补球员也没有那么强大。我们甚至可能看到他们徘徊在降级区附近。再一次,他们将成为最具观赏性的球队之一,他们的 进攻风格很强,但防守薄弱

我认为 毕尔巴鄂竞技 有潜力保住第四的位置,特别是如果他们能让尼科-威廉姆斯再呆一个赛季的话。他们将再次在主场非常强大,让顶级球队很难在圣马姆萨姆斯拿分。然而,我担心他们的B队的质量,这将依赖于在三个锦标赛(杯赛,西甲和欧洲)中保持竞争力。 当他们在西甲轮换时,赌他们输可能是值得的


皇家社会近年来一直在走下坡路。他们需要一个新教练和战术上的改变,因为他们已经变得太容易预测了。他们的比赛节奏缓慢,有很多犯规,而且缺少一名可靠的前锋。他们还失去了最好的后卫勒诺曼德,但没有签下替代者,而且可能会失去更多的最好的球员,米克尔梅里诺和祖比门迪,他们分别接近转会阿森纳和利物浦。没有这些球员,他们显然会比上赛季弱。 皇家社会通常在赛季开始时表现良好,但在赛季结束时身体状况会有所下降 ,所以这是值得关注的,特别是如果他们在杯赛或欧洲赛场上取得进展。

贝蒂斯 看起来比上赛季更强大。他们有一个稳固的阵容,经验丰富的球员,一个好的教练,并且签下了一些有趣的球员。他们 在主场通常是可靠的 ,尤其是面对低级别球队时,而且与其他强队相比, 他们的赔率往往更高 。总的来说,他们是一支有竞争力的球队,很难被击败。

比利亚雷亚尔 也将是一支非常有观赏性的球队。马塞利诺在上个赛季末加盟后,他们的进攻非常激烈,总是丢1-2球,但轻松地进3-4球。索洛斯是他们的关键球员,但现在他在马德里,比利亚雷亚尔需要找到一个好的替代者,这通常是他们在转会市场上做到的。他们的前场实力很强,但 防守仍然很弱 。所以,我预计他们会丢很多球(上赛季他们的防守是联盟中最差的,丢了65个球)。他们的成功将取决于他们的签约,特别是在进攻方面,但是在这样的防守下,我不认为他们能在对阵强队的比赛中得分。面对下半部分的球队,他们应该会轻松获胜,尽管他们可能会失球。


阿拉维斯 是一支非常有竞争力的球队,很难被击败。我对马略卡这个赛季的计划很感兴趣,有了来自奥萨苏纳的伟大教练(阿拉萨特), 马略卡 看起来很有希望。这两支球队 都是值得押注的好球队,因为他们的赔率通常都很高


塞维利亚雇了一个新教练 ,他不能说服我。他的风格是不容置疑的,专注于控球,高压逼抢,并在后场留下很多空间——这是塞维利亚的慢速后卫不适合的。虽然他们将是一支令人兴奋的球队,但我预计他们会丢很多球。他们可 能需要几周甚至几个月的时间才能达到最佳水平,所以他们可能会在赛季初丢掉很多分 。上赛季,球队知道如何对付这位教练(他曾在拉斯帕尔马斯执教)。新签约Saúl Ñíguez如果他能达到最佳水平,将会是一个惊人的补充。如果你问我,我会预测塞维利亚取得糟糕的成绩,教练很可能在2025年之前被解雇。


塞尔塔 有足够的实力来保级,但最近几个赛季他们已经危险地接近保级了。他们是一支不稳定的球队,很难预测,而且 在主场比赛时赔率极低













Here we have another season of La Liga that looks promising but also acontinuation of recent trends. I believe the most interesting battleswill be for the European spots and avoiding relegation.

Startingwith the title contenders, I think Real Madrid is a step ahead of therest. Last season, they showed they are superior to Barcelona, and nowwith Mbappé, the gap should be even bigger. Their attack is impressive,arguably the best in Europe right now, and they are likely to scoreplenty of goals this season.

Although Barcelona has Lamine Yamal,who is among the best players in Spain, and made good signings like Dani Olmo, they still have some areas of concern, such as striker anddefense. Barcelona is still in a transition period and will need a fewmore years to return to the top, especially given their ongoingfinancial crisis. This will also be Flick’s first season, and while heshould do better than Xavi Hernández, it will take time for the team toadapt to new tactics and build chemistry.

Real Madrid only lostone game in the entire league last season, and I expect them to losefewer than three this season. They could easily surpass 90 points again, especially with the depth of their squad, which allows them to competein Europe as well. Barcelona, on the other hand, could struggle in LaLiga if they progress far in European competitions, given their shortersquad and lack of quality replacements.

Atlético Madrid shouldcomfortably secure a top-three finish. They lost Morata but signed lastseason’s second-top scorer, Sorloth, who is a great player and couldlead to further good signings like Julian Alvarez. Overall, I see themas having a stronger team than last season. While they could challengefor the title, I don’t see them outpacing Real Madrid. A surprise couldbe to see Atlético finishing second, ahead of Barcelona.

Thebattle for fourth place will be really interesting. Girona will likelystruggle with the demands of European competitions, especially sincethey’ve lost half of their starting XI, including the league’s topscorer, Dovbyk, and the replacements are not as strong. We might evensee them hovering near the relegation zone. Once again, they will be one of the most entertaining teams to watch, with a very offensive stylebut a weak defense.

I see Athletic Bilbao as having potential tosecure that fourth spot, especially if they manage to keep Nico Williams for another season. They will once again be very strong at home, making it difficult for top teams to take points at San Mamés. However, I’mconcerned about the quality of their B team, which will be relied uponto stay competitive across three tournaments (Cup, Liga, and Europe).When they rotate in La Liga, it might be worth betting against them.

Real Sociedad, Betis, and Villarreal are the teams that should be fightingfor the 5th, 6th, and 7th positions. I personally see them belowAthletic, but they are all at a similar level.

Real Sociedad hasbeen declining in recent years. They need a new coach and tacticalchanges as they’ve become too predictable. They play slow-paced gameswith many fouls and lack a reliable striker. They also lost their bestdefender, Le Normand, without signing a replacement, and could lose more of their best players, Mikel Merino and Zubimendi, who are close tomoving to Arsenal and Liverpool, respectively. Without these players,they will clearly be weaker than last season. Real Sociedad usuallystarts the season well but fades physically towards the end, so that’ssomething to watch, especially if they progress in the Cup or Europe.

Betis looks stronger than last season. They have a solid squad, experiencedplayers, a good coach, and made some interesting signings. They areusually reliable at home, especially against lower-tier teams, and theyoften present good betting odds compared to other strong teams. Overall, they are a competitive team and tough to beat.

Villarreal willalso be a very entertaining team to watch. With Marcelino, who arrivedat the end of the previous season, they were extremely offensive, always conceding 1-2 goals but scoring 3-4 easily. Sorloth was a key playerfor them, but now that he’s at Atlético Madrid, Villarreal will need tofind a good replacement, which they usually manage to do in the transfer market. They have plenty of quality upfront but still a very weakdefense. So, I expect them to concede a lot of goals (last season theyhad the worst defense in the league, with 65 goals conceded). Theirsuccess will depend on their signings, especially in attack, but withthis defense, I don’t see them getting points against the strongerteams. Against lower-half teams, they should win comfortably, thoughthey’ll likely concede goals.

In the mid-table, we’ll see manyteams that are competitive and difficult to beat (Getafe, Alavés,Mallorca…), along with others that have weakened in recent years butwould still be surprising to see in the relegation zone (Valencia,Sevilla, Celta, Osasuna).

Alavés is a very competitive team andwill be difficult to beat. I’m interested in seeing Mallorca’s projectthis season, which looks promising with a great coach (Arrasate) comingfrom Osasuna. Both could be good teams to bet on, as they will oftenhave good odds.

Valencia is a team suffering from terriblemanagement by their president, losing their best players every season.This year, they are weaker than last, and I believe they could struggleand be near the relegation zone. Coach Baraja will need to work miracles again.

Sevilla has hired a new coach who doesn’t convince me. His style is non-negotiable, focusing on possession, high pressing, andleaving many spaces at the back—something Sevilla’s slow defendersaren’t suited for. While they will be an exciting team to watch, Iexpect them to concede a lot of goals. It might take weeks or evenmonths for them to reach their best level, so they could drop manypoints early in the season. Last season, teams knew how to play againstthis coach (who was at Las Palmas). New signing Saúl Ñíguez could be anamazing addition if he reaches his best level. However, if you ask me,Sevilla will get poor results, and the coach will likely be fired before 2025.

Osasuna lost their coach, and I expect them to decline inperformance after that. Budimir was fantastic last season, but I doubthe can replicate that form. They could struggle and find themselves near the relegation zone.

Celta had just enough quality to avoidrelegation, but they’ve come dangerously close in recent seasons. Theyare an inconsistent team, difficult to predict, and often have extremely low odds when playing at home.

Getafe could be fightingrelegation, as they haven’t made any signings, lost many key players(like Greenwood and Latasa), and could also lose Borja Mayoral. Theycurrently lack strikers, but they do have one of the best coaches in LaLiga.

Finally, in the relegation zone, I see many teams at asimilar level: Las Palmas, Rayo Vallecano, Espanyol, Valladolid,Leganés… The last three are newly promoted and have very weak squads.Espanyol is probably the strongest among them, with more financialresources and a decent squad. However, Las Palmas and Rayo Vallecanofinished last season in terrible form, and after seeing their preseasonand new signings, it seems like that will continue.

In my opinion, Leganés has the worst squad in the league, but they will be acompetitive team. Valladolid is dealing with many issues within theclub—president Ronaldo wants to sell it, and the fans are against thecoach—so we could see a team affected by these problems and performingpoorly.

For these teams, the key will be their home games. All ofthem will be defensive and try to slow the pace of the game. But in away games against strong attacking teams like Real Madrid, Atlético,Athletic, or even Villarreal, they could suffer heavy defeats.

Asyou can see, in a league where the top teams are taking the best players from the rest, it’s crucial to build strong structures, and coacheshave become extremely important. La Liga is becoming increasinglytactical and competitive, especially in the lower half of the table.

To sum up, my predictions.

League winner: Real Madrid

TOP4 (Champions League): Real Madrid, Atletico, Barcelona and Athletic Club.

TOP6 (Europa League): Real Sociedad, Betis

TOP7 (Conference League): Villarreal

Relegation: Valladolid, Leganes and Las Palmas

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夏宏,1979年12月出生于湖北黄冈,是一位实力派的竞彩分析师。 他以其深厚的足彩和篮彩研究经验,备受业界瞩目。 作为央视数字电视“彩民在线”频道的《投注指南》特约嘉宾,夏宏曾在《北京晚报》的“足球飞彩”栏目中担任专家,并在北京体育电台的《挑战五百万》节目中担任嘉宾。 他的专业性不仅体现在对竞彩玩法的深入理解,更体现在他个人的实战成绩上,他成功在胜负彩、进球彩、竞彩足彩以及竞彩篮彩的所有玩法中都有过单注中奖的记录,这在专家中实属罕见。 他的代表作《足彩全攻略》在2007年出版,这本书堪称中国竞彩领域的里程碑。 它是国内第一部揭示欧赔亚盘核心原理的书籍,同时也是首部介绍波胆体系与半全场体系的著作。 书中详细讲解了足彩单场玩法,更是全景式地展示了足彩玩法的各种技巧,为彩民提供了全面的竞彩知识指南。 夏宏以其独特的见解和丰富的实战经验,成为了竞彩爱好者心中的权威人物,他的《足彩全攻略》不仅是他的研究成果,更是竞彩玩家不可多得的参考资料。

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